29. April 2013: Rüdiger Wischenbart stellt „new innovators“ vor

Rüdiger Wischenbart fasst auf der Webseite Tools of Change des O’Reilly Verlags die Konferenz „Getting E-Books Mainstream“, die er Ende April in Berlin mitorganisiert und moderiert hat, zusammen. Über mikrotext schreibt er:

The conference also brought together top executives from the traditional publishing industry with a fair number of new innovators, like Nikola Richter, an author of both nonfiction and poetry. After having done a few book with “old” publishing houses, Richter is about to launch her own publishing company, Mikrotext, in cooperation with Holtzbrink’s epubli self-publishing portal. Richter is busy producing her first titles, including an essay on digital by German media and literature legend Rolf Hochhuth, alongside new pieces of short fiction by young authors, while marketing, promoting, blogging, and engaging in social media; despite all those activities she is still finding time to create a new collection of poems, printed simply on paper.